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Mitie & 深奥的有限公司

与深奥的, Mitie delivers a truly integrated specialist security service, safeguarding everything that’s important to your organisation through 科技nical surveillance countermeasures and counter espionage expertise.

Comprehensive protection for key assets and information

深奥的有限公司 company logo - black lowercase lettering of 'esoteric' and a black curved shape at the front

With a foundation in 科技nical surveillance countermeasures (TSCM), Esoteric specialises in proactively protecting sensitive conversations, information and assets from threats, 攻击和间谍活动. Its services include bug detection, 计数器监视, radio frequency-shielded rooms, security risk analysis and physical security penetration testing. The team identifies potential vulnerabilities and implements threat mitigation, with additional expertise in evidence collection, allowing organisations to take action against theft, 欺诈或间谍活动.

Highly-experienced, accredited experts

Esoteric is the only UK company with an accreditation from the National 安全 Inspectorate for both electronic sweeping and covert investigations – a hallmark of excellence. With customers around the world, the company supports blue chip companies, government organisations and individuals.

This acquisition builds on our existing capabilities as the UK’s leading provider of 科技nology and 情报-led security services. Following the acquisition, we created Mitie Intelligence Services (MIS), which now delivers all specialist and bespoke security solutions.

A female security officer examining retail CCTV footage on a set of screens

By combining Mitie’s 行业-leading 科技nology, our existing team of analysts and 情报 specialists, and the thousands of 安全 Operatives we employ at sites, with Esoteric’s 计数器监视 expertise, we can offer our clients a truly comprehensive security service that protects against emerging threats.

Jason Towse, Managing Director, 业务 Services, Mitie

Combined power of Mitie and Esoteric

Our team uses advanced equipment to conduct physical and 科技nical inspections to identify all forms of eavesdropping attacks.
Enhanced TSCM inspections bridge the gap between traditional eavesdropping and cyber-attacks for your organisation’s most sensitive environments, including data centres and comms rooms.
Information security strategy
Working alongside your security teams, we’ll identify to protect confidential information more efficiently.
We provide independent TSCM设备 advice, procurement and training to deliver bespoke, efficient TSCM capabilities.
In-place monitoring with 24/7 countermeasures
24/7 bug检测, we protect confidential meetings from illicit eavesdropping devices such as concealed GSM bugs and mobile phones.
Physical penetration testing
Our experts assess the effectiveness of an organisation’s physical security processes and controls, addressing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.
Delivered by leading security educators, our TSCM培训 courses and espionage awareness programmes reduce risks and support long term protection.
If you suspect a crime or fraudulent activity within your organisation, our bespoke covert surveillance services help you identify and gather hard evidence.
Our independent testing services confirm the effectiveness of a room at preventing transmissions entering, as well as offering shielded room consultancy.
Cyber espionage response and review
We’ll investigate actual or potential cyber espionage incidents to help your leaders take informed action quickly and efficiently.
Electromagnetic egress security review
We’ll help you understand whether your premises are vulnerable to information loss or attacks from opportunistic radio frequency (RF) interception.


艾玛·肖, Managing Director, Mitie Intelligence Services


Managing Director, Mitie Intelligence Services
凯瑟琳白 - Operations Manager, 深奥的有限公司


Operations Manager at 深奥的有限公司